Sunday, 16 May 2010
Final reflection
As you know, we have arrived at the end of batxillerat, after two years working very hard for everything. Now is the time to look back.
If I compare my first written document and my last composition I can see a good progress because at first I didn’t use connectors also I used a lot of simples phrases. In my last composition there are connectors, a good structure (introduction, points in favour, points in against, conclusion),I tried to use some expressions according to the text.
About the grammar, I didn’t learn anything special but the point is to practise and learn from your mistakes.
If I compare my first oral presentation (plastic and aesthetics surgery) with my final oral presentation( Castelló d’Empúries) I can see a lot of progress and I’m not the only person that said this and for me it’s very satisfactory that people told me that. I’m very nervous person when I start to talk. I have to breathe a thousand times before starting however I have to learn to talk slowler. Unfortunately I think that it doesn’t have solution and I have stressful and nervous situations. Maybe it would be interesting if I learn to relax and try to improvise a little bit, because I believe that when you improvise, that is when you show your level of English, obviously in a real situation you can prepare it and still there is less studying. I think that now I’m more fluent but about my pronunciation I think that it’s the same but with a strong voice I can say: I’m more confident.
About my best oral evidence, I think that it’s not difficult and the mark match with my best oral, the oral presentation was about my research project, because I didn’t study the text and I can improvise a little bit. My best written is difficult to say because they are in the same level but if I have to choose one composition maybe a discussion or opinion essay.
In brief, I’ll never stop to learn English because I think that English is our future language and it would be essential for our lives specially our jobs.
I hope that with my long travel to United Kingdom I’ll learn a lot and finally I can say: Yes, I speak English, but if I speak fluent English I don’t leave my English classes
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Friday, 14 May 2010
Minority languages
Nowadays there are many languages that are likely to die soon in a global world, but why are languages disappearing? Is it better that everybody speaks the same dialect to understand each other?
Firstly, in some parts of the world there are old languages that only old people can speak but “the children of the future” don’t speak those types of languages. This is bad because speaking an old dialect is a beautiful thing and in some families itn is a tradition to learn the values, language, culture...
Because of this problem everybody has to speak the same language thus it would be easier to understand. As a result the tradition is lost.
In conclusion, I’m in favour of everybody speaking what they want but to speak more fluently it would be better if everybody can speak the same dialect.
1. Can you summarize the book in two minutes?
Everything starts in the Pacific Ocean, everything is calm and everybody is sleeping in the ship. The main characters are Will, George and the old man (John)
In the dark, George listen a strange voice and he started to ask who was and where it was? The light of George knocked on the deck and Will wake up. Will started to speak with the old man but the old man is always in the darkness. The old man said that he can’t approach and this is the big mystery. After some time talking to the light the old man say that he only wants food for him and his lady. Will accept to give everything that he wants.
Three hours later, the old man return to the ship and he start to explain what king of horror they suffered.
They are in Albatross their ship. They caught in a terrible storm and Albatross masts were broken. The sailors took the small boats leaving the lady. The ship was very low in the water. Some days later they can see the ship another time but it appear a grey fungus. In the ship there was nobody. They spent a lot of hours cleaning the strange fungus but in some hours the fungus grew up another time. They found a place that fungus didn’t appear and they live in there with tents. The fungus grew bigger. One day the lady eat some fungus and it was ok.
They didn’t have food but they can fish and finally they eat fungus but finally the fungus appeared in the bodies of these poor people
2. Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
Yes, in all the story there are a lot of point of mystery but the most important moment is when John was appear in front of George because the reader doesn’t know what happen with this person but sincerely you can imagine when he started to talk about his poor story.
3. When and where does the story take place?In the Pacific Ocean aboard a ship.
4. Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
Will: He is the friend that during the story is talking to John. He shows security and firmness.
George: During the story they don’t have an important role but I consider that he is important because he discover the strange voice.
John (the old man). This is the really main character, he try to show terror when he explain the story.
5. Choose one character (main or secondary) and describe him/her.
Will: He is the friend of George and when everything is happen to George, he is sleeping. After some minutes due the noise he is wake up. He also listens to the strange voice. During the all story Will shows us tranquillity in front of a horror. I think that he has very strong personality. About the physical I believe that he’s thin and tall and good looking
6. Can you identify with any character? Why?
Well, this is a difficult question because I consider that this story is not long and I can’t know the personality of all but if I have to choose somebody maybe I said George because with a terror situation I can’t speak because I’m very frightening.
7. Choose your favourite moment in the story
My favourite moment in the story is when the old man starts to explain the poor story. In this moment you can let fly your imagination and I like it.
8. Which new key words have you learnt to understand the story? Deck- coberta oars- rem dipping- immersió misty- boirós sinking-enfonsament ladder- escala smooth- llis odd- senar
9. Provide an alternative ending.
When John finished the story maybe it would be interesting that John left forever and the same that happen to John and the lady steps to Will and George. Some years later Will and George appear in another ship explaining their horror story.
10. Would you recommend this book? Why?
The story that I read was interesting and entertaining and for this reason it would be good if you read it.
1- Can you summarize the book in two minutes?
The story starts when Laura said to Amanda that she is going to die. They started to talk about the reincarnate and Laura said that she will reincarnated in some animal and she is going to chase chickens and ran all over the flowers of Egbert, the husband of Amanda. Laura said that after being an animal she’ll become a boy. Laura died on Monday. Amanda was talking to Lulworth (husband uncle) about Laura.
Before the funeral, Egbert said that he is very unhappy because some creature eat his chickens and Egbert kill this creature. Amanda was worry about everything. Aurora Burret the neighbour of Amanda said about the news of day’s sport, and she said that she found the otter in the garden and they kill them. Amanda was more worried. Egbert took Amanda and they went to Cairo for forget everything. When they stay in the Cairo hotel, it was appear a Nubian boy that Egbert was angry with him.
2. Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
Yes, at the moment that Laura die everything is a mystery because we don’t know what happen to the reincarnation that Laura said before to die.
3. Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
Laura: is the main character and she give a mystery role. She appear like a otter and a boy. Laura kill some chickens of Egbert
Amanda: she’s the friend of Laura and during the story she was very worried about the death of Laura.
Egbert: He’s the husband of Amanda and he is the victim of Laura. During the story he is unhappy and angry.
4- When and where does the story take place?
Maybe in a town where Laura and Amanda live and also in Cairo. The story didn’t say when the story happens.
5.Choose one character (main or secondary) and describe him/her
Laura: She’s very pessimistic girl but at the same time realistic. She tries to laugh to the people. She believe on the reincarnation. I think that Laura is very happy girl and knowing that she’ll died she tries to smile.
6. Can you identify with any character? Why?
Maybe with Amanda because she’s very worried about everybody and she is attend to everything. And I’m worried to everything and everybody all time.
7. Choose your favourite moment in the story
When Laura started to talk about the reincarnation and what she is going to do. I think that it’s a funny moment.
8. Which new key words have you learnt to understand the story?
Colly-fredor shed- cobert seeds-llavors otter- lludriga stream-corrent
9. Provide an alternative ending.
Maybe when Laura dies everything finish but this is a boring ending. After some months of Laura death Amanda have a girl called Laura and after some years Amanda discover that behaves like her friend and she believes that is her friend Laura.
10. Would you recommend this book? Why? The story is very short, but I enjoy to read the for this reason I’ll recommend the book.
Mind body therapies
A: Now really, since I was a child i have been to the doctor every week and it was a frustation...
D: what a shame.. but a frustation, why?
A: Because the chemotherapy is really hard. I have nausea and I feel sick
D: What about mind-body therapies?
A: I don't know about this type of medicine
D: Ok! Let's speak about it
D: Mind body therapy is nowadays developed in different parts of the world. Some researchers are studying the mind-body connection
A: It's really fantastic
D: But Daniel this is not to cure your illness it's only to imporve your quality of life
A: And where is it?
D: In New England, but I'm not really sure
A: Bye!
Two weeks later
A: I phonedthe hospital and... would you like to come with me next Friday?
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Though we don't have time to browse the Internet I try to do what I can. I can look for an interesting piece of news but I prefer to do my little reflection
about batxillerat, exams... I know that I have to write my final refection but today is time to day of write about everything.
In fact we are in our last week of Batxillerat, undoubtedly I'm happy to hear this, but it is time to suffer stress,nerves... on the one hand we have been with this stress but now it is different, you know, selectivity exams,marks to get into university.
I suffer a lot with Catalan because is a practical part and for me it's a little bit difficult. Also with chemistry, I can do it all but the exams are a disaster...
And now my worry is Maths because we'll do only ONE exam!
Sincerely I'll miss a lot my class because we have been friends since I was a child... and now it is time to separate from each other because our life starts now, with the university, new friends..
I think that I'll come every day to my home, because the first year is everything new and maybe I will behomesick...
I hope that I can study nursing because I love it and if I can it will perfect in the univeristy of Girona
Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Heeey heeeey heeeeey
Your ______ stains on the front _____ of my left side _____
I knew I ______ forget you
And so I went and let you _____ my mind
Your _________
The_____of you in every______dream I dream
I knew when we _____you're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The ____you move ain't ____ you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a _____ thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeey
________, I'm so glad you have a one _____mind le me
You gave my life _____
A game show love connection, we can't _____
I'm so _______
My heart is _____to beat right out my _______ chest
I believe in you, like _______ you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna _____your mind
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The _____you move ain't _____you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Well you can cut a _____
Watching you is the only _______ I need
So ______ I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be ______now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you _____ain't ____you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
The Beatles- Yesterday

Yesterday, Ahir
All my troubles seemed so far away, tots els meus problemes semblaven tant lluny
Now it looks as though they're here to stay Ara sembla que estiguin aquí per sempre
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Suddenly, De sobte
I'm not half the man I used to be No soc ni la meitat de l'home que era abans
There's a shadow hanging over me Hi ha una sombra que cerneix sobre mi
Oh yesterday came suddenly Oh, de sobte va arribar l'ahir
Why she had to go Perque va haver de marxar
I don't know, she wouldn't say Jo no ho se, no m'ho va voler dir
I said something wrong Vaig dir alguna cosa que no tenia que dir
now I'm long for yesterday Ara esta mes lluny l'ahir
Love was such an easy game to play L'amor era com un joc fàcil
Now I need a place to hide away Ara necessito un lloc on amargar-me
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Why she had to go Perque ha tingut que marxar
I don't know, she wouldn't say jo no ho se, ella no m'ho va dir
I said something wrong Jo vaig dir alguna cosa que no tenia que dir
now I'm long for yesterday Ara esta mes lluny l'ahir
Love was such an easy game to play L'amor era com un joc fàcil
Now I need a place to hide away Ara necessito un lloc on amargar-me
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Thursday, 29 April 2010
I found this piece of news interesting and very current, because nowadays there are a lot of adoptions especially from China. I live near these cases of adoption because my cousins are adopted. However, I love like my truth cousins, they are marvellous.
In brief, it is very sad that children stay in these types of conditions. In this video there is like a school, with games, TV etc... But sincerely when my cousin were in the orphanage it was very striking, I saw some photos and it was very sad.
But nowadays they are almost teenagers, there are very active, positive, children, they only think of playing.
In this orphanage there are a lot of children that have traumas, have been separated from parents to protect them from threats like parental alcoholism, child abuse and neglect. There are children around 3-18 years old and there are 30 per cent chances of being adopted by Russian families.
The residents of this orphanage are just a tiny sampling of the more than 700,000 children living in state institutions across Russia
Adopting a children is very complicated and expensive, but you have to be patient and very optimistic, then when you have your own children, they are with you all your life
I choose a piece of new with video for change a little bit
Saturday, 24 April 2010

It was _____, my _______were ______ my hair was long
Caught somewhere between a boy and man
She was seventeen and she was far _____in-______
It was __________ in Northern Michigan
Ahh Ahh Ahh
Ahh Ahh Ahh
_______ through the sand bar
Talking by the ______
It's the simple things in life, like _____ and _____
We didn't have no _____
But man I never will forget
The way the ______ shined ______ her hair
And we were trying different things
We were smoking funny things
Making ________ by the lake to our favorite song
________ whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet home Alabama ______________
Singing Sweet home Alabama _______________
______ Walleye from the ______
Watching the waves ______the rocks
She'll forever hold a spot _____ my soul
We'd blister in the sun
We couldn't wait for night to come
To hit that ______and play some ___________
While we were trying different things
And we were smoking funny things
Making __________by the lake to our favorite song
_____whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow
Singing Sweet Home Alabama____________
Singing Sweet Home Alabama ____________
Now_______ seems as strange as when the leaves ______to change
Or how we ______ those days would never end
Sometimes I'll hear that song and I'll start to ___________
And _____man I'd love to see that girl again
[Repeat Chorus x2]
Singing Sweet Home Alabama _________________
Singing Sweet Home Alabama _________________
Singing Sweet Home Alabama _________________
Singing Sweet Home Alabama _________________

Dear Editor,
According to the text, there are a lot of arranged marriages that are usual in Asian countries the objective of this type of marriage is to assist people in finding their ideal partner. Personally I think that in this type of marriage you fall in love with a person that you don’t know but it needs time, days… For instance, if you start to speak, meet… with the person maybe your heart is light and you feel something strange undoubtedly you are in love with this man or woman.
Moreover divorces are increasing in Europe and the marriages are in crisis. The meaning of marriage is in crisis, I can’t say the exact meaning because I'm not personally married, however I suppose that it is like a relationship with somebody, when you are in crisis means that you are haveing a bad time with your partner, the magic that you had is lost and you don’t see things with the same eyes. What’s more, communication for me this is an essential part of a relationship.
Finally I'm in favour of marriage, in the future I would like to marry and dress up with my long white dress, in a big church with everybody I know, my family, my banquet and the most important the honeymoon.
However, I know that life is not a bed of roses and being married is difficult and complicated.
You are in love with another person when you feel perfect, time flies, you feel like a child, you dream with her and finally and the most important the topic: You have butterfiles in your stomach
Friday, 23 April 2010

Quimet: I’m glad, here I’ll talk about my profession and everybody can listen to me!
Maria: Yes! It’s a great opportunity
Maria: Let’s start with the first question…
Maria: What are your feelings when I say that farmers are dying out..?
Quimet: Well… It’s not a good thing. I’m sad when people say that, I cry sometimes
Maria: Really? That’s a shame…
Maria: What’s the biggest difference between your work now and some years ago?
Quimet: It’s really different… HAHA This is a good and difficult question, I started to work with my father when I was 7 and it was very hard well, now it’s hard but now all jobs are easier because we have more technologies aren’t they?
The total hours are the same, a good farmer has to work a minimum of 12 hours and you don’t have any holiday, you know, the animals don’t eat alone
Sunday, 11 April 2010
Meningitis vaccine gives travellers immunity

It says that there are new meningitis vaccines called Menveo maybe this vaccine will be used only for travellers for travel to Africa.
In Africa, this illness is well known because there a lot of cases of epidemic.
This piece of news also is related to my research project because it talks about a vaccine that mean that this vaccine can protect other people that aren’t vaccinated.
In my point of view, obviously it is fantastic that they discover vaccines for that, I hope that in a future they will discover vaccines that protect you from meningitis B, that is the most dangerous, it is only question of hours..., I can say that for my experience. Maybe in minutes happened to be conscious of being in coma, the only solution is an antibiotic and wait wait wait…
But these types of illnesses, I think that you are like asleep and you don’t know anything, you don’t know what is happening and there are your family and friends that are worried about you.
It is not a progressive illness that you suffer every minute, hour, day… day after day,it is very quick but I can say that I had another illness during a month and it was terrible, every day I was worse and it was like what has happened to me?
Saturday, 10 April 2010
All my loving- The Beatles

Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tenca els teus ulls i et donaré un petò
Tomorrow I'll miss you Demà et trobarè a faltar
Remember I'll always be true Recorda que sempre et sere fidel
And then while I'm away I quan estigui lluny
I'll write home every day Jo t'escriuré a casa cada dia.
And I'll send all my loving to you I t'enviaré tot el meu amor
I'll pretend that I'm kissing Imaginaré que t'estic donant un petò
The lips I am missing Els llavis que trobo a faltar
And hope that my dreams will come true I espero que els meus somnis es facin realitat
And then while I'm away I quan estigui lluny
I'll write home every day Jo t'escriuré a casa cada dia
And I'll send all my loving to you I t'enviaré tot el meu amor
All my loving I will send to you T'enviaré tot el meu amor
All my loving, darling I'll be true Tot el meu amor, carinyo, et serè fidel
Close your eyes and I'll kiss you Tenca els teus ulls i et donaré un petò
Tomorrow I'll miss you Demà et trobarè a faltar
Remember I'll always be true Recorda que sempre et sere fidel
And then while I'm away I quan estigui lluny
I'll write home every day Jo t'escriuré a casa cada dia.
And I'll send all my loving to you I t'enviaré tot el meu amor
All my loving I will send to you Tot el meu amor t'enviaré
All my loving, darling I'll be true Tot el meu amor, carinyo, et serè fidel
All my loving, all my loving ooh Tot el meu amor, tot el meu amor
All my loving I will send to you Tot el meu amor t'enviare
Friday, 9 April 2010

On 9 th of April, Stefy is talking to Carol about their plans for next summer.
C: No! It seems impossible! Don’t you think so?
S: If we buy the flights, it’ll be better
C: But STEFY, the price…
S: Carol, be realistic, we are in April and there are still two months to go maybe 100 euros for a return flight.
C: OMG! 100 euros, we can’t!
S: You are stressful!
S: we are going to London for a month, we’re staying in a B&B and we ‘re working in a café, I spoke to the manager yesterday and he is a fantastic person, he told me that it is not a problem we ‘re invited to work in a café.
C: But… we’ll work a lot of hours won’t we?
S: NO! we ‘re working like any other worker. Going to a foreign country doesn’t mean that we’re going to work like a slave
C: doesn’t it?
S: OMG! Carol… Are you stupid?
S: ok... :S
S: let’s change the topic
S: About the days and the flight we have to buy today if possible
C: I’m lazy today. I don’t feel like doing this
S: Carol! WAKE UP!
C: OK! What time would you like to meet me?
S: mm.. at 4pm?
C: At my house or yours?
S: Wherever you want!
C: At my house, we’ll have a snack
S: HAHA, perfect
C: Ok, bye
S: See you later!

How are you? I'm fine but at the same time I'm homesick, I miss you a lot, but with this experience I 'll learn so much maybe now I learn the life values.
Mum,do you remember when you, told me everyday Mike, you have to be more independent so now I'm the most independent person that you can finnd in the world.
Is everything ok in Catalonia?
In Cameroon, people are very dependent on us, we are like a king, they don't know anything of the world, they live day a day, they don't know if tomorrow they will be able to eat or drink. Do you know the series lost in the tribe?it's the same.
The first time that you can stay with them, you are very suprised but the second day they are charmering, they have their custum and if you give them a sweet they are the happiest people that you can find.
Everyday I stay with children in a hospital. I control the evolution of the injuries. Everyday, Spain send us antibiotics and we can help some lives.
I hope I can stay some months in Cameroon
With love from Cameroon
Ah, I've got girlfriend!:)
Tuesday, 6 April 2010
How to never look fat again

Mirror, mirror on the wall -- tell me my body's faults, one and all
When you read this piece of news, you say ok, this is about fat people, a little bit of esteem but I believe that this is more about styling.
Some people dress in trousers, skirts, T-shirts that there isn’t good but they dress with them because is fashion.
There words describe what Krupp would like to said, how to never look fat again.
Becoming a fat person, nowadays is a problem because you don’t have every facilities like everybody for example when you have to find a job, many people are critical, when you have to move or doing a diet that is very difficult, but I don’t say that you are fat because you eat a lot, I don't agree with that because it could be a hereditary problem, bad illness etcetera…Yes, there are a people that eat a lot and they are very fat, but I think that this is different.
Clothes say a lot about the people, as I already said not everything have to continue with fashion, you have to dress with things that you like and you look good.
Behind these bad glasses, bad hair that woman has, could be a pretty woman!
In conclusion, you have to be happy with your body; the important is in your interior.
If I was a child, the title of this piece of news it would be, mirror mirror which is the most beautiful girl in the world? HAHA
Friday, 2 April 2010
Basshunter – Every Morning

As pretty as a girl could be/ Com una nena bonica com pot ser
So beautiful./ Tan bonica
Every morning she makes me a cup of coffee/ Cada matí ella em prepara una tasa de cafè
With a smile on her face I´m a man in love/ Amb un somriure a la seva cara, jo sóc un home enamorat
And she´s glorious./ I ella es gloriosa.
There is one girl in my life that makes me love again/ Hi ha una noia a la meva vida que m'he tornat a enamorar
As pretty as a girl could be / Es tant bonica com pot ser
So beautiful./ Tan bonica
Every morning I wake up and I think of you / Cada em matí m'aixeco i penso en tu
With a smile on my face I´m a man in love / Amb un somriure a la cara, sóc un home enamorat.
And she´s glorious. / I ella es gloriosa.
Oh baby I want you to stay in my life./ Oh nena, vull que et quedis a la meva vida
Never say goodbye even if you cry i'm still by your side./ Mai diguis adeu, si plores jo seguiré al teu costat
Oh baby I want you to stay in my life/ Oh nena, vull que et quedis a la meva vida
Never say goodbye even if you cry i'm still by your side. / Mai diguis adeu, si plores jo seguiré al teu costat.
There is one girl in my life that makes me love again/ Hi ha una noia a la meva vida que m'ha tornat a enamoar
As pretty as a girl could be/ Com una nena bonica com pot ser
So beautiful./ Tan bonica
Every morning she makes me a cup of coffee/ Cada matí ella em prepara una tasa de cafè
With a smile on her face I´m a man in love/ Amb un somriure a la seva cara, jo sóc un home enamorat
And she´s glorious./ I ella es gloriosa.
There is one girl in my life that makes me love again/ Hi ha una noia a la meva vida que m'he tornat a enamorar
As pretty as a girl could be / Es tant bonica com pot ser
So beautiful./ Tan bonica
Every morning I wake up and I think of you / Cada em matí m'aixeco i penso en tu
With a smile on my face I´m a man in love / Amb un somriure a la cara, sóc un home enamorat.
And she´s glorious. / I ella es gloriosa.
Saturday, 13 March 2010
Friday, 5 March 2010
Daniel Powter- Bad day
You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost Aixeques les fulles I la màgia es perd
They tell me your blue sky's faded to grey Ells m’expliquen que el cel blau s’ha destenyit a gris.
They tell me your passion's gone away Ells m’expliquen que les teves passions s’han escapat
And I don't need no carrying on I no necessito no continuar
Stand in the line just ahead of the law De peu sobre la línia tan sols a prop de la llei
You're faking a smile with the coffee you go Estas fingint un somriure amb cafè i tu te’n vas
You tell me your life's been way off line Tu em dius que la vida ha estat apagada
You're falling to pieces every time Tu t’estàs fent trossets tot el temps
And I don't need no carrying on I no necessito no continuar
Cause you had a bad day Perque tu has tingut un mal dia
You're taking one down Tu estas tinguent un”baixón”
You sing a sad song just to turn it around Tu cantes una cançó trista només per donar-li la volta
You say you don't know Dius que no ho saps
You tell me don't lie Diga’m que no em menteixes
You work at a smile and you go for a ride Tu treballes un somriure i te’n vas a fer un passeig
You had a bad day Tu has tingut un mal dia
The camera don't lie La càmera no menteix
You're coming back down and you really don't mind tu t’estàs venint a baix I no t’importa realment
You had a bad day Tu has tingut un mal dia
You had a bad day Tu has tingut un mal dia
Well you need a blue sky holiday Bé, tu necessites unes vacances de blau cel
The point is they laugh at what you say El punt es ells, rient-se del que dius
And I don't need no carrying on I tu no necessites no continuar
You had a bad day Tu has tingut un mal dia
You're taking one down Tu estas tinguent un “baixón”
You sing a sad song just to turn it around Tu cantes una cançó trista només per donar-li la volta
You say you don't know Dius que no ho saps
You tell me don't lie Diga’m que no em menteixes
You work at a smile and you go for a ride Tu treballes un somriure i te’n vas a fer un passeig
You had a bad day tu has tingut un mal dia
The camera don't lie La càmera no enganya
You're coming back down and you really don't mind Tu t’estàs enfonsant i no t’importa realment
You had a bad day Tu has tingut un mal dia
You had a bad day Tu has tingut un mal dia
Sometimes the system goes on the blink and the whole thing it turns out
Wrong De vegades, el sistema és obrir i tancar i tota cosa resulta errònia
You might not make it back and you know that you could be well oh that
Strong Tu hauries de tornar a fer-ho I saber que tu pots estar be, OH que la força
Well I'm not wrong Bé, no estic equivocat
Wednesday, 3 March 2010
My perfect plan for next summer

I've lost the chance to study for two weeks because now I will stay for two or three months with a family to work as an aupair.
I love children and I have got experience with them. I've worked in summer with a group of children for about 3-4 years and I also look after my cousin and my neighbours. I also I have two qualifications and I hope to do it another.
In conclusion, I hope that I can do it!
The magic is in the hole

This piece of news, chooses some examples to represent the doughnuts, like the Simpsons or manager Hillary Witt that explains her experience.
Nowadays, there are competitions to eat doughnnuts, I think that this is a funny thing because if you try it’s impossible to do it (I'm not saying that I've tried it). It seems impossible.
I sat looking at the brilliant photos of doughnuts... they are impressive. I have never seen doughnnuts like these, only douighnuts that you can buy in a supermarket, you know. I wish I could see these types of doughnuts sometime in my life…
Vocabulary that I learned
Brainchild: invent
Innuendo: insinuació
Stake: estaca

FORUMS: Pride and prejudice

Forum 2
Some years ago, marriage was a money issue like in some films. People were interested to marry into a rich family thus having their life organised. The family prepared the wedding and everything was prepared by the family. Nowadays I think that there are still marriages for convenience, for the papers or for money. But generally, they do it for love and because they are really in love, to get married is an important decision or your life and you have to be very sure what you want.
Forum 3
I also agree with you, family’s honour in the past was very important, also I think that now family honour is less important. I agree with Laura Carrera when she said that we have to enjoy our lives in a correct way. Family honour, I think that now, it is very important too...
Forum 1
I don’t think that girls enjoyed the film more than boys. There are also romantic boys, like Cèlia said, which boy would admit directly that he likes it? That’s a real question, and I think that one or two in our class for example would say, "Yes I love or like this film". Therefore, I don’t think that this film is for only girls, but maybe girls can understand the situation of Lizzie because we could be in the same situation as her
Tuesday, 9 February 2010
Mediterranean diet may help prevent dementia, study says

CNN, February 8, 2010 health news
As you know, the Mediterranean diet includes a lot of fruit, vegetables and fish, olive oil, legumes and cereal. It also involves small to moderate amounts of alcohol, but these last sentence, we know that, for everybody it's different, nowadays we consume a lot of alcohol.
Personally I think that eat a balanced diet is a good way to protect yourself and be healthy. Everybody should eat a Mediterranean diet. I believe that it’s famous and has a lot of fame, but still if you force American people to eat some vegetables and fish maybe they will go to hellJ
Obviously, if I have to choose my diet, I choose pizza, hamburgers, pasta, some meat and sometimes seafood because I love it. But if I ate fast food every day, I would be crazy!
Everybody in their own world!
Saturday, 6 February 2010
My New Year’s Resolution

I don’t have the custom to make resolutions so sometimes I say this year I’ll study a lot but the next day everything is forgotten. Before finishing the year, one day I stayed with Anna and we decided that we had to study some days before, and everything that we didn’t understand we would ask the teacher.
So my resolutions for 2010 are,
Health: As you know, last year I was in the hospital for a lot of days and I was very ill thus I ask for health for my family but especially for me. I know that this is a typical resolution, but sincerely I need it.
Licence car: Secondly, I have my theory part of the licence for the car and I hope to be 18 for my practical part and have my own car. But my birthday is in November and I have to wait some months, with my mother someday I will go to do practices. Ladies and gentleman move your children away!!
Enjoy my life: Like everybody we have to enjoy our life, we’re 17 or 18 and we are in the flower of life. I hope to spend my life with all people that I love, my friends, my colleagues, my family and obviously continue with my boyfriend, but I don’t need to do this resolution because I know and I’m sure that we’ll be together for a long time.
Wednesday, 3 February 2010
Body language & eye contact
During my oral presentation I tried to look at people. At first I wasn’t nervous but when I started to talk, all my nervousnous came. I still move my hands and arms, but this is not an anecdote for me. I knew my presentation perfectly but we know that the nerves are very bad and I needed to read my notes.
I think that my presentation and structure was ok; I introduced the topic and I justified why I chose this topic, then I spoke about my objectives. The research project was divided into two parts, firstly I spoke about my theoretical part, but only by paragraphs, later I tried to explain with more details my practical part, because these were an important part for my project. I tried to organize my ideas in order of importance. First of all, I explained the interview that I did following by the vaccination card, compared different doses and ages in the European Union and Spain. The last part was conclusions, then I tried to show everybody a video that I did at Christmas. I introduced a lot of new information to my audience; this project wasn't toinformation but doing a study of the vaccines helped by interviews.
For me this is the most important part, I tried to do the best I could but I also tried to speak simply because if I wrote difficult words it would be useless. But I needed to say specific words related to the topic. Also I tried to use connectors but I was nervous and I spoke very quickly.
Pronunciation & Intonation
Like many oral presentations, everybody told me that I spoke very quickly. Now I know that I spoke very quickly because I’m nervous, but when I spoke I didn’t think that I was speaking very quickly, I did unconsciously, it wasn’t my intention. This wasn’t my best oral presentation I know, but I had to do it and I couldn't prepare it well. The pronunciation was comprehensible; my tone of voice was loud.
For all these reasons my final mark, would be an 86%. I think that it’s ok but I need to improve my pronunciation and eye contact.
Evaluation Mark
Presentation 10% 10
Body language and eye contact 8
Structure 10% 9
Content 40% 35
Language 20% 15
Pronunciation and intonation 10% 8
TOTAL 100% 8,5
Wednesday, 27 January 2010

He’s thin and tall but I’m taller than him. He has brown eyes and hair. He has something that makes me mad, as a result he’s my boyfriend. He has two things that I don’t have , a pricing in his mouth and a tattoo on his pelvis.
Personally he can be shy but normally he’s extroverted, he’s especially very generous and gentle sometimes I think that much too. He transmits a lot of confidence to everybody and for this reason everybody explain their problems to him. He’s very social, sensitive and very lazy. He can stay in bed all day with the play station, but all boys do the same I believe. He loves playing football, we started to play when he was 5.

We’ve got a lot in common, we have very good, romantic, fun moments and I wouldn’t change the moments with him for anything.
Saturday, 23 January 2010
Imaginary description

Ray is 33 and for the past four years he has worked in a private clinic in Girona. About his appearance, he’s peculiar because his appearance is very strange. He isn’t good-looking but he isn’t either ugly. In brief he’s plain. Ray is thin but in summer he is suddenly fat, particularly I think that he’s this problem because in summer Ray is at home all the time and he always goes to buy food, because if he doesn’t buy now Ray should die.
He likes heavy and metal music. He has long black hair. His face is a little bit white and he doesn’t have a beard, he can’t because his girlfriend is the opposite of Ray, she’s elegant. And she doesn’t want Ray to have a beard.
Ray hates the routine. His appearance is a symbol of rebelling a little against the world of the work and routine. He would like to experiment with his long hair, because he could do a lot of styles.
Ray believes that all pictures all in your mind and the appearance are deceiving.
Friday, 22 January 2010
The Beatles finally clean up their act
This piece of news talks about recently twigged that the Beatles recording i son the market and is still selling with the same sound. Technology can do miracles in sound reproductions.
I think that this topic is important because the Beatles are a classic that should never die.
I know a lot of versions of the Beatles but if you listen to remix version in a moment of the song you can detect that it’s a remix.
Ringo Star, Jonh Lennon, Paul Mccartney and George Harrison were the members of the band.
Nowadays it doesn’t matter if you don’t have a good voice or good talent. The question is you’re fashionable, good-looking and famous obviously there are people that have a great voice.
It’s like Cristiano Ronaldo, he did a spot with a terrible voice and the next day, voilá! A good voice without squeak.
Squeak: Galls
Friday, 15 January 2010

I'm talking to you t’estic parlant
Across the water across the deep blue ocean a través de l’aigua a través del profund oceà blau
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying Sota el cel obert, oh bebè, ho estic intentant
Boy I hear you in my dreams noi t’escolto en els meus somnis
I feel your whisper across the sea sento el teu xiuxiueig a través del mar
I keep you with me in my heart Et mantinc a tu en el meu cor
You make it easier when life gets hard Tu ho fas fàcil quan la vida es posa difícil.
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa una altra vegada
They don't know how long it takes No saben quant de temps serà
Waiting for a love like this esperant un amor com aquest
Every time we say goodbye Cada vegada et dic adéu
I wish we had one more kiss Desitjo que tinguem un petó més
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will Jo t’esperaré, t’ho prometo, ho faré
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa
Lucky we're in love every way Afortunadament hem estat enamorats de totes les maneres
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Afortunat de quedar-me on m’he quedat
Lucky to be coming home someday Afortunat d’anar a casa algun dia.
And so I'm sailing through the sea Llavors, quan estic navegant per el mar
To an island where we'll meet a una illa on ens coneixerem
You'll hear the music fill the air esoltaras la musica en l’aire
I'll put a flower in your hair Posaré una flor en el teu cabell
Though the breezes through trees encara que la boira passi a través dels arbres
Move so pretty you're all I see es moguin tan bonics, tu ets tot el que veig
As the world keeps spinning round mentres que el món segueix girant
You hold me right here right now tu em sostens aquí ara
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament, estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa
I'm lucky we're in love every way Afortunadament hem estat enamorats de totes les maneres
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Afortunat de quedar-me on m’he quedat
Lucky to be coming home someday Afortunat d’anar a casa algun dia
Friday, 4 December 2009
Are paper book dead?


Are the rights you have simply because you’re human
2. When did human rights start?
3. Why were they created?
To reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person.
4. How many human rights are there?
5. Which human right were you not familiar with?
Sincerely I think that there are a lot of human rights, and when I know that only 30, I was surprise. I’m not familiar with the right to play, everybody have the right to play no?. I didn’t know that there is a human right.
6. Choose one human right and discuss:
- Everybody has the right to life, liberty and security of person.
I believe that not everybody have this right because there’re people that living in the street or maybe people that are slave and for being so aren’t entitled to do anything, it’s like if we treated as different people. Everybody have the right to live free and safety.
I think that in my country is not fulfilled, because there are people that living in a very poor and bad conditions.
7. Are Humans rights relevant in the world today? why?
I think that every country have different rights. Everybody should have the same human rights, education, right to live...But some countries don't have this humans rights. I think that human rights are very important for us. We shouldn’t judge people by their appearance, their color, religion…
Saturday, 28 November 2009

Friday, 27 November 2009

Music and the mind
The findings of this research have physical base. Children are born with 100 billions unconnected or loosely connected neurons, or nerve cells. Each experience a child has, like seeing people smile or hearing them talk, helps the brain to link the cells.
Music may have an influence on the way the neurons connect, stimulating the development of spatial-temporal reasoning skills, which aid in understanding proportion, geometry and other mathematical and scientific concepts.
What did the reserch show? An experiment conducted on rats showed that those which had been expose to Mozart ran through a maze faster and made fewer mistakes than those which hadn't. Other experiments, done with pre-school children who were given keyboard lessons, showed how their spatial-temporal skills improved.
These findings were supported by a publication in the journal Nature, in May 1996. A group of students were taught music and played musical games involving rhythm and pitch. When compared with students who hadn't received specific music instruction, they not only had better reading skills, but also showed a significant improvement in their maths skills
Though we still don't know exactly how music affects our brains, it is certain that somehow music helps the shape our minds.
Write a summary of the text, Use 50 words.
Music and the mind talk about recent experiments that are interested in how the music can help our brain. They prove hat listening to and learning music have postive effects. The reason has a physical basis. They would like to study what it shows and for that they did some experiments with rats and pre-schools children. In all the experiments is that there is a good improvment they prove that music helps our brinds.
The Simpsons vs. Family Guy
In our oral presentation we use the power point and some images that we downloaded from the net. It was focused on the topic that we talked. For me, doing a power point is a good supported for the oral presentation, it’s a way to show some images and be interesting and entertaining. About the time, I think it was a little long, but we talked 5 minutes.
Body language & eye contact
During my presentation, I looked to a fixed point, because I was very nervous. I knew perfectly my oral presentation but I was very nervous and sometimes I needed to read my notes. Unlike high oral presentations I haven’t made any gesture. I tried to don’t look at the power point but occasionally I did it. Also I tried to don’t look my notes but I was so nervous I finally I did it.
I think that the structure was ok; we had an introduction where we explained what the oral presentation was about, why we chose these topics, what we explained and which were ours aims. When we finished explaining the topic, I did a little conclusion and we showed two videos from “family guy” and “the Simpsons”. Basically our aims were that people had a basic Knowledge from each sitcom. Also I finished asking to the audience what sitcom they prefer. We tried to organize our ideas in order; we started with an introduction, describing the main characters, the principal places, some opinions of the experts (controversy) and a small comparison of each sitcom.
I guess that we didn’t introduce new information because everybody has watched the Simpsons or family guy. In my opinion, the information that we exposed was extensive and detailed but for understanding the topic we needed to talk about this one otherwise has been a bad oral presentation, we need minimums. When we showed some photos people laughed, and also when we showed videos of family guy.
We use some adjectives to describe the places and the characters, the grammar was correct and we use synonymous and some expressions. But in general we use easy vocabulary (except some words) and simple grammar to describe, and introduce some parts. For example “now Anna is going to talk...” As connectors I use “and, but, also, etc”. Clara told me that I said one “bueno” and I think that some “emm”.. Also I said “for example”.
Pronunciation & Intonation
At first people told me that I spoke very fast. I suppose that was because I was very nervous and I didn’t know what I was saying. While I was doing my oral presentation, I didn’t know that I was speaking too fast, but when I watched the video I was surprise. It wasn’t my intention. Also I think that I spoke with a loud volume. But I think that has been one of my best oral presentations without interruptions or breaks. Before, when I didn’t be sure for something I used to speak softer; now I think it has changed. About my pronunciation, I tried to pronounce correctly each word; before the oral I tried to pronounce the most difficult words, for example: behaviour, although, kidnappings, “pewterscmidt”, “antropomorphized”.
For all these reasons, my own result would be an 75,5%. I think it’s ok, but I need to improve the body language & eye contact using fillers and perhaps improving my vocabulary. I’m happy with our power point. Sincerely, I thought that it would has been more wrong.
Evaluation Mark
Presentation 10% 9
Body language and eye contact 10% 6
Structure 10% 6
Content 40% 31,5
Language 20% 15
Are natural parks the solution to preserve wildlife?

On the one hand national parks are very important for maintaining a biodiversity. Moreover parks can also play a role in reintroducing some species to an area where they are already extinct. For example the giant panda in China, in general all animals that are in danger extinct. In spite of the destruction of most of their habitat, pandas for example are survive thanks to the creation of this types of areas.
On the other hand plants and animals that life in these types of areas and parks are not totally safe. They have to pressure the people who live around the park. Animals are also in danger from poachers or cars on the roads surrounding the parks.
Clearly, people must help preserve natural habits. National parks are an important way of protecting wildlife.
Friday, 30 October 2009
Is Traci Bingham a Plastic Surgery Baywatch Babe?
I think Traci was prettier before the surgery and now she seems to be older. Nowadays people have plastic surgery but I believe that everyone has to be accepted as they are and not be persuaded by anyone. She probably did it for her career to have more fame. In three years Traci has changed a lot.
Her plastic surgeon said “Traci Bingham didn’t seem shy about her implants. In many pictures, they appear asymmetric with possible development of contracture on her left. Additionally, when comparing the before and after pictures, she does appear to have refinement of her nasal tip, narrowing of her nose and alar base resection. Finally, she has gone a bit overboard with the lip injections - I just hope it is not permanent filler.”
I can’t see all this changes but if you see this girl, you can see that she has a lot of plastic surgeries and it’s like an artificial woman, I think that anybody can be perfect. Everybody have his defects and this defects make the person has something special.
Plastic surgery can’t do miracles!

Friday, 23 October 2009
Crisis for the world's amphibians

Also, I think that for global warming or climate change some species but not only with amphibians but all of them, will be threatened with extinction.

There are also very species that are not investigated I mean, that people don’t know exist. There isn’t money to study this science. The news talks about “ We hope this will improve and expand the movement to protect amphibians boosting the fundraising and publicity drive necessary to raise concern over amphibian declines and put vital conservation strategies into practice”. What’s become the publicity with the amphibians? We want that the amphibians don’t extinct not doing publicity about this animals, the importance of the animals and also plants: it’s very important for life.
Friday, 16 October 2009
God and the man
A man visits God and says "God, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?" God says "No, ask me anything at all."
So the man says "God, you've been around for a very long time,so, for you, how long is a thousand years?"
God replies "For me, a thousand years is only five minutes."
The man then says "That's interesting God. And, for you, how much is a million dollars?"
God replies "For me, a million dollars is only five cents."
The man says "Really? Well then God, could you lend me five cents please?"
God looks at the man, smiles, and says "Of course my son. Just wait five minutes!"
Children can "imagine away" pain

October 2009
This piece of news talks about the imagination that children have, what things they have and some interesting results and therapies that they use.
Some scientists are studying this psychological problem. They invented a new technique because they don’t have any specialist to study this problem and for this reason they invented a CD that is like a person who talks about this.
A lot of children imagine some things for not to go to school or somewhere. But some of them don’t get it. I remember when I was little, I said for example, “mum I’m ill...” what happen my dear? I have a stomachache and headache but I went to school... But I had friends that for example said “mum I’m ill”, and they were perfectly and they didn’t go to the school. But I now, honestly I prefer to go to high school because if you don’t go the next day you don’t understand anything.