Sunday, 11 April 2010

Meningitis vaccine gives travellers immunity

I found in this piece of news interesting because it talks about meningitis, a very bad illness that I had last year however my illness doesn't have a specific vaccine, it is the only that didn’t have.

It says that there are new meningitis vaccines called Menveo maybe this vaccine will be used only for travellers for travel to Africa.

In Africa, this illness is well known because there a lot of cases of epidemic.

This piece of news also is related to my research project because it talks about a vaccine that mean that this vaccine can protect other people that aren’t vaccinated.

In my point of view, obviously it is fantastic that they discover vaccines for that, I hope that in a future they will discover vaccines that protect you from meningitis B, that is the most dangerous, it is only question of hours..., I can say that for my experience. Maybe in minutes happened to be conscious of being in coma, the only solution is an antibiotic and wait wait wait…

But these types of illnesses, I think that you are like asleep and you don’t know anything, you don’t know what is happening and there are your family and friends that are worried about you.

It is not a progressive illness that you suffer every minute, hour, day… day after day,it is very quick but I can say that I had another illness during a month and it was terrible, every day I was worse and it was like what has happened to me?


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