Wednesday, 3 February 2010


In my oral presentation I used powerpoint as resource with some images, tables and graphics that I did myself. It was focused on the topic that we talked. Doing a powerpoint presentation is good support for the presentation, it’s a way to show your hard work, imagination and be entertaining. I talked for about 5 minutes.

Body language & eye contact

During my oral presentation I tried to look at people. At first I wasn’t nervous but when I started to talk, all my nervousnous came. I still move my hands and arms, but this is not an anecdote for me. I knew my presentation perfectly but we know that the nerves are very bad and I needed to read my notes.


I think that my presentation and structure was ok; I introduced the topic and I justified why I chose this topic, then I spoke about my objectives. The research project was divided into two parts, firstly I spoke about my theoretical part, but only by paragraphs, later I tried to explain with more details my practical part, because these were an important part for my project. I tried to organize my ideas in order of importance. First of all, I explained the interview that I did following by the vaccination card, compared different doses and ages in the European Union and Spain. The last part was conclusions, then I tried to show everybody a video that I did at Christmas. I introduced a lot of new information to my audience; this project wasn't toinformation but doing a study of the vaccines helped by interviews.


For me this is the most important part, I tried to do the best I could but I also tried to speak simply because if I wrote difficult words it would be useless. But I needed to say specific words related to the topic. Also I tried to use connectors but I was nervous and I spoke very quickly.

Pronunciation & Intonation

Like many oral presentations, everybody told me that I spoke very quickly. Now I know that I spoke very quickly because I’m nervous, but when I spoke I didn’t think that I was speaking very quickly, I did unconsciously, it wasn’t my intention. This wasn’t my best oral presentation I know, but I had to do it and I couldn't prepare it well. The pronunciation was comprehensible; my tone of voice was loud.

For all these reasons my final mark, would be an 86%. I think that it’s ok but I need to improve my pronunciation and eye contact.

Evaluation Mark

Presentation 10% 10

Body language and eye contact 8

Structure 10% 9

Content 40% 35

Language 20% 15

Pronunciation and intonation 10% 8

TOTAL 100% 8,5

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Laura!
    you did a wonderful presentation!
    The content deserves a higher mark and the language was careful and accurate.
    I think you deserve a 9,2.
