Wednesday 12 May 2010

Before writing my final reflection I would like to write my last post in my space.
Though we don't have time to browse the Internet I try to do what I can. I can look for an interesting piece of news but I prefer to do my little reflection
about batxillerat, exams... I know that I have to write my final refection but today is time to day of write about everything.
In fact we are in our last week of Batxillerat, undoubtedly I'm happy to hear this, but it is time to suffer stress,nerves... on the one hand we have been with this stress but now it is different, you know, selectivity exams,marks to get into university.
I suffer a lot with Catalan because is a practical part and for me it's a little bit difficult. Also with chemistry, I can do it all but the exams are a disaster...
And now my worry is Maths because we'll do only ONE exam!
Sincerely I'll miss a lot my class because we have been friends since I was a child... and now it is time to separate from each other because our life starts now, with the university, new friends..
I think that I'll come every day to my home, because the first year is everything new and maybe I will behomesick...
I hope that I can study nursing because I love it and if I can it will perfect in the univeristy of Girona

1 comment:

  1. Remember that in some years we have to go to Pekin Express, you know... hahaha. I will remember you for your massages and of course for all the nice moments we had in class.

    See you!
