Yesterday, Ahir
All my troubles seemed so far away, tots els meus problemes semblaven tant lluny
Now it looks as though they're here to stay Ara sembla que estiguin aquí per sempre
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Suddenly, De sobte
I'm not half the man I used to be No soc ni la meitat de l'home que era abans
There's a shadow hanging over me Hi ha una sombra que cerneix sobre mi
Oh yesterday came suddenly Oh, de sobte va arribar l'ahir
Why she had to go Perque va haver de marxar
I don't know, she wouldn't say Jo no ho se, no m'ho va voler dir
I said something wrong Vaig dir alguna cosa que no tenia que dir
now I'm long for yesterday Ara esta mes lluny l'ahir
Love was such an easy game to play L'amor era com un joc fàcil
Now I need a place to hide away Ara necessito un lloc on amargar-me
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Why she had to go Perque ha tingut que marxar
I don't know, she wouldn't say jo no ho se, ella no m'ho va dir
I said something wrong Jo vaig dir alguna cosa que no tenia que dir
now I'm long for yesterday Ara esta mes lluny l'ahir
Love was such an easy game to play L'amor era com un joc fàcil
Now I need a place to hide away Ara necessito un lloc on amargar-me
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Hi Peña!!
ReplyDeleteThis year has been difficult for all of us but we have been studying for long times and discussing the subject by many views. I'll remember the night in funfair in Figueres where we were laughing. Also the studying afternoons, shopping sweets, them are too nice aren't it? xd
So, I hope all is going to be right next week and finally studying for selectivitat^^