Do you hear me, M’escoltes
I'm talking to you t’estic parlant
Across the water across the deep blue ocean a través de l’aigua a través del profund oceà blau
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying Sota el cel obert, oh bebè, ho estic intentant
Boy I hear you in my dreams noi t’escolto en els meus somnis
I feel your whisper across the sea sento el teu xiuxiueig a través del mar
I keep you with me in my heart Et mantinc a tu en el meu cor
You make it easier when life gets hard Tu ho fas fàcil quan la vida es posa difícil.
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa una altra vegada
They don't know how long it takes No saben quant de temps serà
Waiting for a love like this esperant un amor com aquest
Every time we say goodbye Cada vegada et dic adéu
I wish we had one more kiss Desitjo que tinguem un petó més
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will Jo t’esperaré, t’ho prometo, ho faré
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa
Lucky we're in love every way Afortunadament hem estat enamorats de totes les maneres
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Afortunat de quedar-me on m’he quedat
Lucky to be coming home someday Afortunat d’anar a casa algun dia.
And so I'm sailing through the sea Llavors, quan estic navegant per el mar
To an island where we'll meet a una illa on ens coneixerem
You'll hear the music fill the air esoltaras la musica en l’aire
I'll put a flower in your hair Posaré una flor en el teu cabell
Though the breezes through trees encara que la boira passi a través dels arbres
Move so pretty you're all I see es moguin tan bonics, tu ets tot el que veig
As the world keeps spinning round mentres que el món segueix girant
You hold me right here right now tu em sostens aquí ara
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament, estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa
I'm lucky we're in love every way Afortunadament hem estat enamorats de totes les maneres
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Afortunat de quedar-me on m’he quedat
Lucky to be coming home someday Afortunat d’anar a casa algun dia
I'm talking to you t’estic parlant
Across the water across the deep blue ocean a través de l’aigua a través del profund oceà blau
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying Sota el cel obert, oh bebè, ho estic intentant
Boy I hear you in my dreams noi t’escolto en els meus somnis
I feel your whisper across the sea sento el teu xiuxiueig a través del mar
I keep you with me in my heart Et mantinc a tu en el meu cor
You make it easier when life gets hard Tu ho fas fàcil quan la vida es posa difícil.
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa una altra vegada
They don't know how long it takes No saben quant de temps serà
Waiting for a love like this esperant un amor com aquest
Every time we say goodbye Cada vegada et dic adéu
I wish we had one more kiss Desitjo que tinguem un petó més
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will Jo t’esperaré, t’ho prometo, ho faré
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa
Lucky we're in love every way Afortunadament hem estat enamorats de totes les maneres
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Afortunat de quedar-me on m’he quedat
Lucky to be coming home someday Afortunat d’anar a casa algun dia.
And so I'm sailing through the sea Llavors, quan estic navegant per el mar
To an island where we'll meet a una illa on ens coneixerem
You'll hear the music fill the air esoltaras la musica en l’aire
I'll put a flower in your hair Posaré una flor en el teu cabell
Though the breezes through trees encara que la boira passi a través dels arbres
Move so pretty you're all I see es moguin tan bonics, tu ets tot el que veig
As the world keeps spinning round mentres que el món segueix girant
You hold me right here right now tu em sostens aquí ara
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend Afortunadament, estic enamorat del meu millor amic
Lucky to have been where I have been Afortunat d’estar on he estat
Lucky to be coming home again Afortunat de tornar a casa
I'm lucky we're in love every way Afortunadament hem estat enamorats de totes les maneres
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed Afortunat de quedar-me on m’he quedat
Lucky to be coming home someday Afortunat d’anar a casa algun dia
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