Sunday, 16 May 2010
Final reflection
As you know, we have arrived at the end of batxillerat, after two years working very hard for everything. Now is the time to look back.
If I compare my first written document and my last composition I can see a good progress because at first I didn’t use connectors also I used a lot of simples phrases. In my last composition there are connectors, a good structure (introduction, points in favour, points in against, conclusion),I tried to use some expressions according to the text.
About the grammar, I didn’t learn anything special but the point is to practise and learn from your mistakes.
If I compare my first oral presentation (plastic and aesthetics surgery) with my final oral presentation( Castelló d’Empúries) I can see a lot of progress and I’m not the only person that said this and for me it’s very satisfactory that people told me that. I’m very nervous person when I start to talk. I have to breathe a thousand times before starting however I have to learn to talk slowler. Unfortunately I think that it doesn’t have solution and I have stressful and nervous situations. Maybe it would be interesting if I learn to relax and try to improvise a little bit, because I believe that when you improvise, that is when you show your level of English, obviously in a real situation you can prepare it and still there is less studying. I think that now I’m more fluent but about my pronunciation I think that it’s the same but with a strong voice I can say: I’m more confident.
About my best oral evidence, I think that it’s not difficult and the mark match with my best oral, the oral presentation was about my research project, because I didn’t study the text and I can improvise a little bit. My best written is difficult to say because they are in the same level but if I have to choose one composition maybe a discussion or opinion essay.
In brief, I’ll never stop to learn English because I think that English is our future language and it would be essential for our lives specially our jobs.
I hope that with my long travel to United Kingdom I’ll learn a lot and finally I can say: Yes, I speak English, but if I speak fluent English I don’t leave my English classes
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Friday, 14 May 2010
Minority languages
Nowadays there are many languages that are likely to die soon in a global world, but why are languages disappearing? Is it better that everybody speaks the same dialect to understand each other?
Firstly, in some parts of the world there are old languages that only old people can speak but “the children of the future” don’t speak those types of languages. This is bad because speaking an old dialect is a beautiful thing and in some families itn is a tradition to learn the values, language, culture...
Because of this problem everybody has to speak the same language thus it would be easier to understand. As a result the tradition is lost.
In conclusion, I’m in favour of everybody speaking what they want but to speak more fluently it would be better if everybody can speak the same dialect.
1. Can you summarize the book in two minutes?
Everything starts in the Pacific Ocean, everything is calm and everybody is sleeping in the ship. The main characters are Will, George and the old man (John)
In the dark, George listen a strange voice and he started to ask who was and where it was? The light of George knocked on the deck and Will wake up. Will started to speak with the old man but the old man is always in the darkness. The old man said that he can’t approach and this is the big mystery. After some time talking to the light the old man say that he only wants food for him and his lady. Will accept to give everything that he wants.
Three hours later, the old man return to the ship and he start to explain what king of horror they suffered.
They are in Albatross their ship. They caught in a terrible storm and Albatross masts were broken. The sailors took the small boats leaving the lady. The ship was very low in the water. Some days later they can see the ship another time but it appear a grey fungus. In the ship there was nobody. They spent a lot of hours cleaning the strange fungus but in some hours the fungus grew up another time. They found a place that fungus didn’t appear and they live in there with tents. The fungus grew bigger. One day the lady eat some fungus and it was ok.
They didn’t have food but they can fish and finally they eat fungus but finally the fungus appeared in the bodies of these poor people
2. Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
Yes, in all the story there are a lot of point of mystery but the most important moment is when John was appear in front of George because the reader doesn’t know what happen with this person but sincerely you can imagine when he started to talk about his poor story.
3. When and where does the story take place?In the Pacific Ocean aboard a ship.
4. Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
Will: He is the friend that during the story is talking to John. He shows security and firmness.
George: During the story they don’t have an important role but I consider that he is important because he discover the strange voice.
John (the old man). This is the really main character, he try to show terror when he explain the story.
5. Choose one character (main or secondary) and describe him/her.
Will: He is the friend of George and when everything is happen to George, he is sleeping. After some minutes due the noise he is wake up. He also listens to the strange voice. During the all story Will shows us tranquillity in front of a horror. I think that he has very strong personality. About the physical I believe that he’s thin and tall and good looking
6. Can you identify with any character? Why?
Well, this is a difficult question because I consider that this story is not long and I can’t know the personality of all but if I have to choose somebody maybe I said George because with a terror situation I can’t speak because I’m very frightening.
7. Choose your favourite moment in the story
My favourite moment in the story is when the old man starts to explain the poor story. In this moment you can let fly your imagination and I like it.
8. Which new key words have you learnt to understand the story? Deck- coberta oars- rem dipping- immersió misty- boirós sinking-enfonsament ladder- escala smooth- llis odd- senar
9. Provide an alternative ending.
When John finished the story maybe it would be interesting that John left forever and the same that happen to John and the lady steps to Will and George. Some years later Will and George appear in another ship explaining their horror story.
10. Would you recommend this book? Why?
The story that I read was interesting and entertaining and for this reason it would be good if you read it.
1- Can you summarize the book in two minutes?
The story starts when Laura said to Amanda that she is going to die. They started to talk about the reincarnate and Laura said that she will reincarnated in some animal and she is going to chase chickens and ran all over the flowers of Egbert, the husband of Amanda. Laura said that after being an animal she’ll become a boy. Laura died on Monday. Amanda was talking to Lulworth (husband uncle) about Laura.
Before the funeral, Egbert said that he is very unhappy because some creature eat his chickens and Egbert kill this creature. Amanda was worry about everything. Aurora Burret the neighbour of Amanda said about the news of day’s sport, and she said that she found the otter in the garden and they kill them. Amanda was more worried. Egbert took Amanda and they went to Cairo for forget everything. When they stay in the Cairo hotel, it was appear a Nubian boy that Egbert was angry with him.
2. Is there a mystery sentence or a turning point in the story?
Yes, at the moment that Laura die everything is a mystery because we don’t know what happen to the reincarnation that Laura said before to die.
3. Who are the main characters in the story? What’s their role?
Laura: is the main character and she give a mystery role. She appear like a otter and a boy. Laura kill some chickens of Egbert
Amanda: she’s the friend of Laura and during the story she was very worried about the death of Laura.
Egbert: He’s the husband of Amanda and he is the victim of Laura. During the story he is unhappy and angry.
4- When and where does the story take place?
Maybe in a town where Laura and Amanda live and also in Cairo. The story didn’t say when the story happens.
5.Choose one character (main or secondary) and describe him/her
Laura: She’s very pessimistic girl but at the same time realistic. She tries to laugh to the people. She believe on the reincarnation. I think that Laura is very happy girl and knowing that she’ll died she tries to smile.
6. Can you identify with any character? Why?
Maybe with Amanda because she’s very worried about everybody and she is attend to everything. And I’m worried to everything and everybody all time.
7. Choose your favourite moment in the story
When Laura started to talk about the reincarnation and what she is going to do. I think that it’s a funny moment.
8. Which new key words have you learnt to understand the story?
Colly-fredor shed- cobert seeds-llavors otter- lludriga stream-corrent
9. Provide an alternative ending.
Maybe when Laura dies everything finish but this is a boring ending. After some months of Laura death Amanda have a girl called Laura and after some years Amanda discover that behaves like her friend and she believes that is her friend Laura.
10. Would you recommend this book? Why? The story is very short, but I enjoy to read the for this reason I’ll recommend the book.
Mind body therapies
A: Now really, since I was a child i have been to the doctor every week and it was a frustation...
D: what a shame.. but a frustation, why?
A: Because the chemotherapy is really hard. I have nausea and I feel sick
D: What about mind-body therapies?
A: I don't know about this type of medicine
D: Ok! Let's speak about it
D: Mind body therapy is nowadays developed in different parts of the world. Some researchers are studying the mind-body connection
A: It's really fantastic
D: But Daniel this is not to cure your illness it's only to imporve your quality of life
A: And where is it?
D: In New England, but I'm not really sure
A: Bye!
Two weeks later
A: I phonedthe hospital and... would you like to come with me next Friday?
Wednesday, 12 May 2010
Though we don't have time to browse the Internet I try to do what I can. I can look for an interesting piece of news but I prefer to do my little reflection
about batxillerat, exams... I know that I have to write my final refection but today is time to day of write about everything.
In fact we are in our last week of Batxillerat, undoubtedly I'm happy to hear this, but it is time to suffer stress,nerves... on the one hand we have been with this stress but now it is different, you know, selectivity exams,marks to get into university.
I suffer a lot with Catalan because is a practical part and for me it's a little bit difficult. Also with chemistry, I can do it all but the exams are a disaster...
And now my worry is Maths because we'll do only ONE exam!
Sincerely I'll miss a lot my class because we have been friends since I was a child... and now it is time to separate from each other because our life starts now, with the university, new friends..
I think that I'll come every day to my home, because the first year is everything new and maybe I will behomesick...
I hope that I can study nursing because I love it and if I can it will perfect in the univeristy of Girona
Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Heeey heeeey heeeeey
Your ______ stains on the front _____ of my left side _____
I knew I ______ forget you
And so I went and let you _____ my mind
Your _________
The_____of you in every______dream I dream
I knew when we _____you're the one I have decided
Who's one of my kind
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The ____you move ain't ____ you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a _____ thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeey
________, I'm so glad you have a one _____mind le me
You gave my life _____
A game show love connection, we can't _____
I'm so _______
My heart is _____to beat right out my _______ chest
I believe in you, like _______ you're Madonna
And I'm always gonna wanna _____your mind
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The _____you move ain't _____you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Well you can cut a _____
Watching you is the only _______ I need
So ______ I'm so thug
You're the only one I'm dreaming of
You see I can be ______now finally
In fact there's nothing I can't be
I want the world to see you'll be with me
Hey soul sister, ain't that mister mister on the radio, stereo
The way you _____ain't ____you know
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Hey soul sister, I don't wanna miss a single thing you do tonight
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
Heeey heeeey heeeeey (tonight)
The Beatles- Yesterday

Yesterday, Ahir
All my troubles seemed so far away, tots els meus problemes semblaven tant lluny
Now it looks as though they're here to stay Ara sembla que estiguin aquí per sempre
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Suddenly, De sobte
I'm not half the man I used to be No soc ni la meitat de l'home que era abans
There's a shadow hanging over me Hi ha una sombra que cerneix sobre mi
Oh yesterday came suddenly Oh, de sobte va arribar l'ahir
Why she had to go Perque va haver de marxar
I don't know, she wouldn't say Jo no ho se, no m'ho va voler dir
I said something wrong Vaig dir alguna cosa que no tenia que dir
now I'm long for yesterday Ara esta mes lluny l'ahir
Love was such an easy game to play L'amor era com un joc fàcil
Now I need a place to hide away Ara necessito un lloc on amargar-me
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir
Why she had to go Perque ha tingut que marxar
I don't know, she wouldn't say jo no ho se, ella no m'ho va dir
I said something wrong Jo vaig dir alguna cosa que no tenia que dir
now I'm long for yesterday Ara esta mes lluny l'ahir
Love was such an easy game to play L'amor era com un joc fàcil
Now I need a place to hide away Ara necessito un lloc on amargar-me
Oh I believe in yesterday Oh, jo crec en l'ahir