I’m going to describe a boy that always helps me. We are the same age and for a long time we were together in the same course. Though we weren’t together when we were children it wasn’t until 3 years ago that we started talking. We started talking and we took a lot of confidence and we become best friends.
He’s thin and tall but I’m taller than him. He has brown eyes and hair. He has something that makes me mad, as a result he’s my boyfriend. He has two things that I don’t have , a pricing in his mouth and a tattoo on his pelvis.
Personally he can be shy but normally he’s extroverted, he’s especially very generous and gentle sometimes I think that much too. He transmits a lot of confidence to everybody and for this reason everybody explain their problems to him. He’s very social, sensitive and very lazy. He can stay in bed all day with the play station, but all boys do the same I believe. He loves playing football, we started to play when he was 5.
He’s not talkative like me but he can listen to you for hours. He tries to be optimistic every time and when things go bad he’s next to you saying DON’T WORRY. He’s thoughtful and he’s big-hearted.

We’ve got a lot in common, we have very good, romantic, fun moments and I wouldn’t change the moments with him for anything.